We began our liturgy this morning … as we do on each Palm Sunday … with the blessing of the palms and a procession into the church as we remembered Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. This marks the beginning of our Holy Week. We then quickly moved in the service to the reading of the Passion Story … this year from Mark’s gospel. From triumphal entry to his death by crucifixion in just a few short verses. From riding a donkey into Jerusalem at the beginning of the week, to being put to death for speaking truth to power at the end of the week.
Our gospel reading this morning is once again from John. During the Jewish feast of Passover, some Gentile pilgrims … “Greeks” is the word used in the text … approached Philip with a request, "Sir, we would like to see Jesus." Philip relayed their request to Andrew, and together they told Jesus. But it is as if the author of John’s gospel then lost his train of thought … the Gentile pilgrims are forgotten and the story takes a new turn. We never learn if the Gentile pilgrims got an audience with the one about whom they had heard so many rumors. Jesus seems to have ignored them and their questions.
For many Christians the reading we heard from John’s gospel this morning contains some of the most comforting and reassuring words found in the gospels:
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. |
February 2025