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Worship Booklet Sermon The news this week has further polarized an already divided nation. Whether it has to do with the January 6 Insurrection hearings, or the United States Supreme Court decisions, people are lining up on each side of an abyss. Each side believes they are “right” and the others are “wrong.” It is a classic “Us” and “Them” divide. Video of service
Worship Booklet Sermon At times I feel like the world around us has gone crazy. A pandemic … two years and counting. There have been more people at St. Cyprian’s sick with COVID during the past tow weeks than in the previous two years. Thank God that most of the people in our congregation have been fully vaccinated … with boosters … and therefore the symptoms have been relatively mild. But, we have lived through two-plus years of the pandemic. Then there was knee of George Floyd’s neck … another senseless killing of a Black man by those who were sworn to save and protect. The January 6, 2020 insurrection at the United States Capitol felt totally insane. And then the continuing mass shootings … Buffalo, Uvalde, and now an Episcopal Church outside Birmingham, Alabama. This is a crazy time in our world right now. Video of service
Worship Booklet Sermon Today, in the Christian calendar, is Trinity Sunday, the Sunday after the Feast of Pentecost. It is devoted to the theological concept of the Triune God … One God in Three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Although the roots of the Trinitarian formula are found in the Hebrew Scriptures, the theological principal was not formalized until the Council of Nicaea in 325 of the Common Era, and the Nicene Creed is the product of that council of early bishop of the Christian Church. Video of service
Worship Booklet Sermon I am always impressed by the reading of the lesson from the Book of the Acts of the Apostles by members of the congregation in all the different languages. It is as if we are acting out the reading in real time. And the number and diversity of the languages points to the exposure to the various cultures members of this congregation have experienced in their lifetimes. Not that many of us can understand each of the languages as those at the first Pentecost did … but it gets the point across. Thank all of you for your contribution. |
February 2025