Note this was an issue with the audio; it was restored at the 36 minute mark of the video.
Worship Booklet
Sermon by The Rev. Deena M. Galantowicz
Although today’s Gospel reading is about Lazarus, this is also Halloween – or All Hallows Evening -the eve or eventide before All Saints Day. In the Irish understanding of All Hallows Eve – it is a very holy, very special time – because it is understood that it is the time when those who have died before us – those hallowed ones – those saints – seem to be closer to us who are still on our earthly pilgrimage. So, the Irish call this time – thin time or thin space – not a spooky time but rather a very sacred time. A time when our communion with those who have journeyed before us, seem closer, a time when our yearning for continuing communion with those we love but see no more seems relieved, and our soul’s sense of holding them close seems more real. This time in the Church calendar is meant as a true gift for us – I would say a far cry from trick or treat/money or eats!