The word “liturgy” comes from a Greek word meaning “works of the people” and at St. Cyprian’s we take that seriously. The clergy may begin the worship, preach, and celebrate the Holy Eucharist, but only with the help of many lay persons in various roles.
Greeters/Usher – The Greeters welcome members of the congregation, hand out bulletins, present the Bread & Wine at the offertory, take up the Offering, and generally offer assistance to newcomers and where needed.
Lectors – We usually have two Lectors at each service. The first reads the lesson from the Old Testament and leads the responsorial reading of the Psalm appointed for the day. The second Lector reads the Second Lesson from the New Testament and leads the Prayers of the People.
Choir – St. Cyprian’s Singers is a small but enthusiastic group who assist the congregation in singing the hymns, often will sing an anthem following the sermon, and offer leadership in the singing of the Communion Hymn. You don’t have to have a virtuoso voice to join the singers … just a willingness to sing from your heart. More information on our choir can be found here.
Acolytes – Our Acolytes carry the Processional Cross, light the candles, and assist the clergy at the Altar. In many congregation the Acolyte corps in comprised of teens. At St. Cyprian’s our Acolytes come in all ages, but are young-at-heart. If you would like to serve as an Acolyte Fr. Ted will be glad to offer training.
Chalicists – Those who administer the Chalice in the distribution of our Holy Communion are Eucharistic Ministers who are licensed by the Bishop to assist in the service. If you are interested in serving in this significant ministry, please contact Father Ted for more information.
Greeters/Usher – The Greeters welcome members of the congregation, hand out bulletins, present the Bread & Wine at the offertory, take up the Offering, and generally offer assistance to newcomers and where needed.
Lectors – We usually have two Lectors at each service. The first reads the lesson from the Old Testament and leads the responsorial reading of the Psalm appointed for the day. The second Lector reads the Second Lesson from the New Testament and leads the Prayers of the People.
Choir – St. Cyprian’s Singers is a small but enthusiastic group who assist the congregation in singing the hymns, often will sing an anthem following the sermon, and offer leadership in the singing of the Communion Hymn. You don’t have to have a virtuoso voice to join the singers … just a willingness to sing from your heart. More information on our choir can be found here.
Acolytes – Our Acolytes carry the Processional Cross, light the candles, and assist the clergy at the Altar. In many congregation the Acolyte corps in comprised of teens. At St. Cyprian’s our Acolytes come in all ages, but are young-at-heart. If you would like to serve as an Acolyte Fr. Ted will be glad to offer training.
Chalicists – Those who administer the Chalice in the distribution of our Holy Communion are Eucharistic Ministers who are licensed by the Bishop to assist in the service. If you are interested in serving in this significant ministry, please contact Father Ted for more information.
Interested in Participating in our Liturgical Ministry?
Contact our coordinator Sue Ann Weber via email, or look for the sign-up sheet at Sunday Service.