SCHEDULE OF SERVICESWe celebrate the liturgy Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 10:00 am. The Worship Booklet used for our liturgy, which contains the entire service including hymns, readings from Holy Scripture, and prayers, is available online on the Weekly Sermons page.
Go to the St. Cyprian's You Tube channel to view the live stream. at 10:00 am EST every Sunday. The recorded service will be available after the live stream on the day of the service. Go to the Weekly Sermons page for the video of the service and the Worship Booklet. MASK POLICY The current policy is masks in the church are optional. We will assume that those attending are vaccinated unless they have underlying health problems that prohibit it and, if that is the case, we expect them to wear a mask! There are signs on the doors of the church saying “Masks Optional At This Time. Please Keep Your Boosters Current For The Good Of All.” The Jazz Vespers service has returned. Go to our Jazz Vespers page to see who will be performing this month. HEALING SERVICEOur Healing Service is once a month, on the second Wednesday of the month.
This service has an emphasis on praying for God's healing in our lives, both as a community and as individuals. We lift up those in prayer for whom we have been given the sacred responsibility to do so. Individual prayer - always confidential - and anointing for healing will be offered to all. The dates for the upcoming healing services are as follows: Wednesday, February 12 at 3:00 pm Wednesday, March 12 at 3:00 pm HOLY EUCHARISTEach week in the liturgy of Holy Eucharist, there are readings from Hebrew Scriptures (old Testament), the Psalms, the letters of Paul (Epistles), and one of the four Gospels. These readings are found in the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) which is a three-year cycle of readings used by many Christian denominations. At St. Cyprian’s we use the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible. You can find the readings for any given Sunday from the Revised Common Lectionary at the Lectionary Page. On occasion, with the Bishop’s permission, the congregation will use prayers from the Episcopal Church’s gender inclusive liturgical resource, Enriching our Worship.
LITURGICAL MINISTRIESA strong program of lay leadership enhances St. Cyprian’s liturgy. All interested persons are encouraged to participate as:
Following our Sunday morning worship we extend our community time together with a Coffee Hour in the church’s Mission House located next door to the sanctuary.