Thursday, November 19 at 5:30pm
San Sebastian Catholic Church
1112 St. Route 16
Pot Luck Following - Bring a dish to share
Interfaith Service of Gratitude Thursday, November 19 at 5:30pm San Sebastian Catholic Church 1112 St. Route 16 Pot Luck Following - Bring a dish to share The St. Augustine interfaith community is once again coming together for a (Thanksgiving) Service of Gratitude on the Thursday before the national holiday. People from a variety of faith traditions (Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Native Americans, Center for Spiritual Living, Unitarians, etc.) will offer prayers, readings, music and more as a way to show that gratitude transcends the particular way different people approach the sacred. Following the service will be a pot luck dinner so people will have a chance to share a meal with strangers who may become friends.
Our November Jazz Vespers will feature the music of the ever-popular Mama Blue. The Third Sunday of November comes early ... the 15th ... so put it on your calendar now. Mama Blue has "rocked the house" before at St. Cyprian's and we look forward to her return engagement. Of course, we will hear the Word of God and offer our prayers as well. Following the service there will be a Wine & Cheese Reception. Plan to join us for this special event.
We’re going to build a Prayer Wall on the Commons and we need help! The Prayer Wall will be constructed of over 150 “stones” each weighing between 25 and 60 lbs. We’ll also be planting some palms and putting down pine bark mulch, as well as generally cleaning up the grounds. Bring your work gloves, garden tools, and enthusiasm … we’ll begin with prayers on the labyrinth at 8:30 and end at noon.
("The Prayer Wall on the Commons at St. Cyprian's" - inspired by the Western Wall of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. The Western Wall is part of the foundation of the Temple that was destroyed by the Romans in 70CE. Devout Jews pray at the Western Wall and put prayers written on pieces of paper in the cracks between the large stones. The Prayer Wall on the Commons at St. Cyprian's will be available to people of all faiths (and those who have no formal connection to a faith tradition) to place their prayers, concerns, special thoughts, and blessing on pieces of paper in this sacred structure.) Our next date for Dining with Dignity is Tuesday, November 3. Dining with Dignity is a program of Home Again St. John's and involves over 30 churches and community groups offering dinner to the homeless men, women and children every night of the year. St. Cyprian's participates by cooking and serving on the first Tuesday of each month. We need casseroles, cooked vegetables, salads, sandwiches, fruit, hard boiled eggs, and desserts. We meet on the corner of Bridge Street and Granada Street at 5:30 and begin serving around 6. If you can help or wish to participate, please contact Michelle Park or Jody Stowers.
Michelle—614-595-0395, [email protected]. Jody— 614-580-3364, [email protected]. |
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